
G. Akrivis, C. G. Makridakis, C. Smaragdakis: Runge-Kutta Physics Informed Neural Networks: Formulation and Analysis. Preprint and submitted for publication, 2024. [pdf, arXiv:2412.20575]

E.H. Georgoulis, A. Papapantoleon, C. Smaragdakis: A deep implicit-explicit minimizing movement method for option pricing in jump-diffusion models. Preprint and submitted for publication, 2024. [pdf, arXiv:2401.06740]


Smaragdakis C, Taroudaki V, Taroudakis M.I.: Using machine learning techniques in inverse problems of acoustical oceanography. Studies in Applied Mathematics. ;e12704. , 2024.

Papadakis N, Taroudakis M., Dimari G, Smaragdakis C. and Kosmadakis N.: The Absence of a Rationalized Migration Data Policy in Greece and the Discontinuity of Greek Migration Policy: A Glance at the First Results of the PreMiGro Project HAPSc Policy Briefs Series, 4(2), 45–54. , 2024.

Taroudaki V., Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.I.: Deblurring Acoustic Signals for Optimum Perception Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9(11), 221--242, 2022.

Smaragdakis C., Mastrokalos J. and Taroudakis M.I.: Statistical Characterization of Seismic Signals Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. DOI: 10.1142/S25917285225000-49, 2022.

Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.I.: Acoustic signal characterization based on Hidden Markov Models with applications to geoacoustic inversions Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 148, pp 2337-2350, 2020

Smaragdakis C. and Taroudakis M.I.: Probabilistic Characterisation of Acoustic and Seismic Signals ERCIM News 122, Special Theme: Solving Engineering Problems with Machine Learning, pp. 35-36, 2020.

Taroudakis M., Smaragdakis C and Chapman N.R.: De-noising procedures for inverting underwater acoustic signals in applications of acoustical oceanography J. Comp. Acous. Vol. 25, pp. 1750015-1-23, 2017

Taroudakis M.I., Smaragdakis C. and Chapman, N.R. Inversion of acoustical data from the 'Shallow Water 06' experiment, using a statistical method for signal characterization Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 136, pp. EL336-EL342, 2014.

Taroudakis M.I. and Smaragdakis C. Inversions of statistical parameters of an acoustic signal in range-dependent environments with applications in ocean acoustic tomography Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol. 134, pp 2814-2822, 2013.

Taroudakis M.I. and Smaragdakis C. Tomographic and Bottom Geoacoustic Inversions Using Genetic Algorithms and a Statistical Characterization of the Acoustic Signal Acta Acustica united with Acustica Vol 95, No 5, pp 814-822, 2009.

Under Preperation

Smaragdakis C. and Melis N.: Near-Field Ground Motion Simulations (under preparation).
